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How to configure tracking in a lander/offer with many action links
How to configure tracking in a lander/offer with many action links

Read this if you are using an offer wall, blog page, long article etc. where there are many outgoing actions

Zeno avatar
Written by Zeno
Updated over a week ago

It's quite common for marketers to have pages that link out to many different offers. Likewise many people have multiple CTAs where they want to track these separately even if they go to the same destination -- allowing you to understand the CTR and CVR of different positions and delivery.

FunnelFlux lets you have up to 64 actions from any lander or offer, so this is easy to set up but there are some best practices to be aware of.


The Importance of Referrer

The most important practice here is to ensure that referrers are able to be passed to the action links -- i.e. the tracker needs to be able to see that the click was referred from the lander with many links on it.

Why? Consider the following funnel:

When a user visits the first "Multi-offer Lander" and clicks an action, even if that link opens in a new tab, the tracker sees them moving to a new node -- they will load one of three pages:

  1. Pre-sell lander

  2. Example offer 1

  3. Example offer 2

In the case of #1 and #2, those nodes have their own action 1 connections. In the case of #2, it also has an action 2 connection.

So, if the user then loads a universal "action 1" URL, logically the tracker would expect this to be action 1 from the pre-sell lander, or action 1 from example offer 1, or in the case of example offer 2, a non-existant connection that results in a 404.

However, these pages could have opened in a new tab and the user could go back to the multi-offer lander and click action 1 or 2 again.

So how does the tracker distinguish between these scenarios?

Simple -- by looking at the referrrer for the click. By doing this the tracker can tell if a click is coming from a lander that the user has visited previously, rather than the most recent one they travelled too.

It's for this reason you must avoid referrer blocking if using multi-action pages in this way.


Best practices

Firstly, do not use rel="noreferrer" on any of your action links.

There is zero advantage or purpose to blanking the referrer that you are sending to your own tracker.

Likewise there is no point using the "Ultimate Meta Refresh" redirect mode on a landing page or offer that you own/control.

Secondly, avoid secure > insecure transit. In other words, do not load content using HTTPS and then link out to HTTP action links.

Browsers will generally blank referrers from being passed from secure to insecure URLs.

As a best practice you should use HTTPS for all tracking links, action links, and everything related to your tracker. If you use Cloudflare effectively then this is very easy and even has some performance benefits.

Lastly, ensure you use the same domain consistently. If you use for tracking links or in your Javascript source code, then use for action links, you will cause a disconnect -- at that point referrer issues will be the least of your problems.

Final note -- some browsing situations block referrers in all situations, e.g. Firefox Private Browsing mode.

If you want to make multi-action link pages work well in those scenarios its best to inject hit ID into action URLs. You can find more info on doing that in our bulletproof tracking guide here.


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