If you are using PHP nodes you can include phpHelperfunctions.php to provide a number of key, useful FunnelFlux functions.
You can include this by adding this to the start of your PHP snippet:
require_once 'PHPNodeHelpers.php';
The functions available are after this are:
PHPNodeHelpers::accumulateParam($key, $value)
These do the following:
accumulateParam will add specified key/value pairs to the Accumulated URL Params buffer
loadAccumulatedParams will load the Accumulated URL Params buffer as an array
saveAccumulatedParams will save and replace the current URL Parmas buffer with whatever is in the specified array
loadTrackingFields will load all tracking field data available for the current visitor
updateTrackingFields will update any custom tracking fields for the current visitor to the values specified (the tracking fields must however exist)
sendMail allows to send emails through an SMTP server of your choice. The config array to pass to the function requires the following entries:
PHPNodeHelpers::sendMail( [
'to' => '[email protected]',
'email-subject' => 'Open this now',
'email-body' => 'The html email content',
'smtp-configuration' => [
'server' => 'your-smtp.server.com',
'port' => 'port number',
'secure' => 'ssl',
'username' => 'username to smtp service',
'password' => 'password to smtp service',
'from-name' => 'Me',
'from-email' => '[email protected]',
] );